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Upcoming Training Program Workshop for Vietnam's Semiconductor Industry

Upcoming Training Program Workshop for Vietnam's Semiconductor Industry

VKU organized 2023 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC) on Semiconductor Circuits and 5G, 6G with more than 600 delegates attending

VKU organized 2023 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC) on Semiconductor Circuits and 5G, 6G with more than 600 delegates attending

New space, new mission of the Vietnam Radio Electronics Association

New space, new mission of the Vietnam Radio Electronics Association

Overview of the XXII National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology REV-ECIT 2019

Overview of the XXII National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology REV-ECIT 2019

ATC 2019: Modern technology trends in the digital era

ATC 2019: Modern technology trends in the digital era

International conference on advanced technology in communications ATC 2018

International conference on advanced technology in communications ATC 2018

Relations of friendship and cooperation between the IEEE and the Radio-Electronics Association of Vietnam

Relations of friendship and cooperation between the IEEE and the Radio-Electronics Association of Vietnam

Celebrating 30 Years of Vietnam Electronics and Radio Association

Celebrating 30 Years of Vietnam Electronics and Radio Association

The 21st National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology

The 21st National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology

Speech of the 7th REV association president

Speech of the 7th REV association president

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35th anniversary establishment The radio and electronic association of Vietnam - REV (1988-2023)

35th anniversary establishment The radio and electronic association of Vietnam - REV (1988-2023)